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Archangel Michael's  Invitation

Archangel Michael on 8-8-8 Ashtar Teleconference:


"..And so I bring Excalibur here, because we are spinning it over the Middle East, and it is this spinning, it is this spinning that is creating, not only the high vibrations of Love and Peace, but is also allowing Truth to be seen.  But what is important here is when Truth is known,  it is on such a high level that the people are more and more walking free, walking free with Peace in their hearts, knowing, knowing that that is their purpose.  It is not to make war.  It is not to destroy each other and each other's countries.  It is to come together in loving oneness.

"Now you may be hearing from those who would keep this war untruth going, a different story.  Don't believe it.  Excalibur brings Truth, and Excalibur is here spinning now, and telling you the Truth, and the Truth is Peace is reality.  Peace is power, and Peace is what your planet is having right now.  The reality, the only reality to see, or to envision, is Peace.." 
Ashtar speaking at the 8-8-8 teleconference:

.."You may have heard my Brother say, 'Blessed are the Peace Makers, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.'

"Well let’s get into the nitty gritty of how it all works, shall we?  ‘Tis most delightful.  ‘Tis not simply, as the religious leaders of your time have put it, that you will die in your bodies, and if you’re good enough, you can enter Heaven.  That is not at all what my beloved Brother, whom you call Jesus the Christ, had in mind, when He spoke those words, and yes, those were His words.

"What He had in mind, was seeing your planet Earth doing exactly as it is doing now. 
It is literally ascending into the heavenly realms, the dimensions beyond that which you call 3D.  And the way it’s getting there is through Peace.  And the kind of Peace that is the catalyst for this, is the kind of Peace that is made by the peace-makers, not the war-makers. 

"So be assured that you, as peace-makers, are exactly where you are to be, and doing exactly what you contracted to do, before you came into these precious bodies of yours.  
And be assured that the most important mission you have upon the planet at this moment, is to be peace-makers..."

© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered. 
Accept Archangel Michael's invitation and join in the commitment to become peacekeepers!  Ashtar spoke of the great energies coming in and the need for housecleaning on many levels.  Sekhmet gave words of appreciation and confirmation in her unique way.
The CD of the August 8th Ashtar Teleconference is now available for purchase:
or send $15 to Ashtar On The Road, PO Box 13082, Olympia WA 98508-3082